Monday, February 8, 2010

Can citizens control the political process through the voting process?

If they are organized and understand what they are doing, however people tend to be easily swayed by emotions (negative ads), they are easily swayed by superficial promises of benefits for ';them';, and are easily swayed by simplistic solutions to complicated problems.

Politicians use the same people (ad agencies) that make you buy products you don't need or want, to sell the public on policy that is good for special interests, by convincing you that you will be the end beneficiary.

If you are smart enough to sort through the BS, you can cast an informed vote. If enough people can sort through the BS and cast an informed vote, they can make a change.

Don't hold your breath until that happens, would die.Can citizens control the political process through the voting process?
Yes through the use of the electoral process the citizens make known the direction of policies of the government. Can citizens control the political process through the voting process?
Acorn and a couple other organizations have been indicted for falsifying absentee ballots already this year.
No. The way citizens control the govt: rebellion.
Apparently not.
Not completely.
just think about the Florida vote!

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